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Affiliated Ministries: Text

About Mike

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Mike leads the individual into the Scriptures through the language, culture, and eyes of God's chosen authors.

Those who commit to the process effectively learn how to reason using the Scriptures and are able to disciple others themselves.

Anyone with a desire to do so may become an effective disciple, regardless of his or her past.

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Mike's  Background

A former soldier of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division, Mike served in the first Gulf War after training cadets in tactics and strategy at West Point.
Mike is a former Professor of Business & Leadership, having earned a Ph.D from Regent University where he also mastered the field of Ecclesial Leadership.

A professionally published author (not self-published), his works address the areas of leadership, discipleship, diversity, and ethics.

Despite his qualifications and experience, Mike adopts the philosophy of the Apostle Paul who counted all of his merits and experience as a loss for knowing Christ (Phil. 3:1-11).

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